52 pages
57 photos
2 colourphotos
1 coloursideview of an U-Boot
3 colour-conning tower sideviews
1 coloured document
Conning Towers: The “Mushroom Boat” with National Flags
Conning Towers: U-70 – The “Iron Fist of Götz von Berlichingen”
Colourphotos: The Bridge Watch - Bringer of Success and a U-Boat’s Life Insurance
U-2519 - “Ali” Cremer’s Electro-Boat
Document: The 11th Submarine Flotilla’s Christmas Card
Photos with a Story: Mine Laying and Supply Mission Completed despite Ramming Damage
Unknown Emblem: UIT-24 – The Boat with the “Load-Carrying Elephant”
Portrait: Senior Boatswain’s Mate Max Dittrich
Unusual: Torpedo Paintings
Ramming Sinkings by U-188
Scenery: Dock View
Fate: The End of an Old Warhorse
as well as photos of Electro-Boats, "Milkcows", Typ II, Typ VII and Typ IX Boats